Thursday, 6 January 2011

Cast adrift on a new song

So, I thought it would be good to kick off this blog with a little bit about our music. I'm sure we'll be rambling on about our influences and so on at some point but to start with I just wanted to chat about our new tracks. I always love hearing about where ideas for songs come from so i thought some of you might be interested too.

Life has a horrible habit of letting you down. One day you're sailing along in utter bliss thinking that everything is on course, even if somewhere in the depths of your heart something is not quite right you are sure that you are doing exactly what you want to do. You're happy, the world is in order and you know exactly where you're going and then all of a sudden a gust of wind rips your map from your hands and capsizes your boat. All seems lost, you free fall through the water certain that everything is over. Then a pure, perfect calm descends, time seems to slow and you realise you can swim. Eventually you find yourself wading ashore somewhere better than where you ever intended to be. It was with this feeling in mind that "Edward" was written: sometimes not getting what you want can be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Well I'll leave you with that thought for today. So go and listen to "Edward" and let me know your thoughts on it.

Until tomorrow...

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