Friday, 7 January 2011

Carpe diem Alice

In the second installment of my "introduction to our new song series" (note to self: must think of catchier titles) I thought I'd give you the low down on “Firewood”.

Well, this is more of an upbeat track but it's story is one that is never far from my mind. It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking of the future and forgetting to live in the present, of thinking how things should be in order to have a good life and not realising that life is good right now.

It's a bit like Alice in Wonderland when you think about it. We spend all our time thinking about the exciting, wonderful or heart wrenching things that may be behind the door labelled "FUTURE". We hope we will have become the person we always dreamt of being and have the life we always wanted or we worry that we will still be sad. But we are always too big or too small to fit through the door, no matter what we do we just can't sneak a peek so we just carry on daydreaming. And all the while, the world continues to turn, we continue to breathe, and love, and sing never realising that things are good just the way they are.

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